Repair hydraulic press table

PROJECT: Repair hydraulic press table

One of the hydraulic press tables of company PYRAMIS was found with damages during maintenance. The press table was dismantled and send to our company for inspection and repair.

The table got disassembled, cleaned thoroughly and all critical areas and points were inspected and measured. Upon completion of the inspection procedure, a detailed report was sent to PYRAMIS addressing all faults and the proposed countermeasures.

Since makers drawings were not available Reverse Engineering was applied.

First, all piston pockets were machined to oversize dimensions to fit steel liners-sleeves. The steel liners were shrink fitted by means of liquid Nitrogen followed by fine machining to restore the diameter back to makers specifications.

New hydraulic pistons were manufactured and got prepared for the final assembly with new sealings.

The press table got assembled with new pistons and sleeves, tested and returned to PYRAMIS in 10 days.

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