MSC KATYA main engine camshaft sections repairs

PROJECT: MSC KATYA main engine camshaft sections repairs

MSC PEGASUS suffered damage on 2 units of main engine, RTA96C, camshaft sections. One section received with two fuel cams damaged and the section section received with one fuel cam damaged while the other fuel cam was missing and had to be replaced. The three fuel cams were all damaged on the perimeter and the bore where fitting takes place with sleeves onto the shaft section.

All journals onto which the cams are fitted were found damaged by friction and repair was necessary to restore the dimensions and surface texture-roughness.

Shaft journals were restored by Laser Cladding buildup followed by CNC machining and CNC grinding to meet makers nominal dimensions and surface roughness.

The cams were restored by Laser Cladding buildup of the perimeter and the bore. For each cam a new sleeve was fabricated and a fourth new cam was fabricated to complete 2 full operational sets of camshaft sections. A special powder alloy was applied to restore the surface properties of the cam perimeter, followed by CNC machining and CNC grinding.

The fourth cam was manufactured by Reverse Engineering by forged material and special heat treatment to match the makers specifications.

Last both units were assembled by our engineers according to engine manual instructions.

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