Main Engine PC2.5 V16, block and crankshaft machining

PROJECT: Main Engine PC2.5 V16, block and crankshaft machining
CLIENT: MH MARINE Co – Vessel “Grand Ferry”

On 11/2018 Grand Ferry, a passenger vessel, suffered large scale damage on No2 Pielstick PC2.5 V16 main engine. Inspectors suggested that both the engine block and the crankshaft of main engine No2 (4 engines in total) should be removed for inspection and repairs. The engine block and the crankshaft arrived to our workshop, where the following works carried out:

  1. Block measurements and main bearing pocket alignment check with laser alignment equipment
  2. Measuring and machining of bearing pockets on our CNC MX5RAM boring-milling machine
  3. Machining of block bearing saddles
  4. Crankshaft runout, main and connecting journals dimensional measurements, hardness and roughness measurements and NDT
  5. Crankshaft straightening on our straightening press CP6000
  6. Crankshaft main and connecting rod journals grinding on our CNC DB7000 grinder with Pin Chasing Technology
  7. Crankshaft flange machining
Machining of crankshaft flange fitting bolts bores

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